Thursday, November 28, 2013

Shaughnessy Public School Eco Team

Please read the following letter/request  from the Eco Team:

Hi Parents,

The Eco Team was hoping that there could be a representative from the parent community on our team.  Basically this person would communicate with parents on the school's initiatives as well as share ideas and thoughts from parents with the school.  Please let me know if you would be interested.

Yesterday we had a design consultation with TDSB Eco Schools.  We are trying to get more trees for our schoolyard and create an outdoor classroom seating area.  In order for us to get more trees we need to show that we are committed to taking care of them throughout the first three years by watering them all year long.  Throughout the school year the staff and students will make a schedule to water the plants weekly.  The issue is during the summertime. The trees would need to be watered once a week.  I am asking Shaughnessy families who can commit to watering the trees over the summer.  For example, if we get nine families then each family would only be responsible for watering the trees once in the summer.  If we are able to get trees, the trees would not be planted until the fall of 2014.  I know it seems far away but in order to apply for trees, we need to show that we are committed first.  Please let me know if you would be able to help out.  I can be reached at  Thanks!

Carla Leonardo
Shaughnessy Public School
Kindergarten Teacher

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